Peak Consulting

FIT™ Learning Model

Personalized Learning for Peak Performance

At Peak Consulting, we respect the fact that every individual is unique. We acknowledge every student’s learning profile and current skill level. We are able to identify the skill level of the learners and propel them towards their desired targets.

Customized Learning for Strong Foundations and Mastery

We create the FIT™ Learning Model for this purpose. Whichever the subject and level of skill, we customize the scaffold to suit each level of competence. 

First, the foundation and concepts are taught in various methodologies, depending on subjects. These foundation and concepts that are inculcated, will act as a support base for further learning.

The next phase involves being exposed to individual processes of drill and practice for reinforcement of learning. At this stage, the emphasis will still be on accuracy; on getting the foundation and concepts correctly applied and performed well and right. Once the learner has attained an appropriate level of competency on the accuracy, we progress to the third phase, the trial phase.

The objective of the trial phase is to further equip the learners with higher order concepts and/or speed training, utilising appropriate quizzes, tests and examinations. This speed training will further enhance the application of the foundations and concepts, albeit at a higher level and a faster pace.

Unlock Your Potential With Us!

We journey with you to achieve academic success and personal excellence!